Revival In The Land

We hear that term a lot. Revival. There is all this talk, even prophetic words flowing about revival, and a coming revival. It's exciting to hear about, ponder and hope for.

When I consider the accounts in the book of Acts. I see that revival came. In fact it came in the out pouring of the Holy Ghost. Revival began. It first came with John the Baptist, then with and through Christ, and then when the Spirit came.

I too believe there is a great revival coming, a awakening as it's called. However I believe that the revival that is needed is a revival in the hearts of the peoples for God. This is the revival that is coming. Heart revival.

May the Spirit come in power and birth a revival in the hearts of the peoples, A revival that causes the peoples to seek hard after God in prayer, in worship, and in adoration.

Blessings in Christ, and may God birth a mighty revival in your heart.
In His Glorious Name Ministries